Help Center

Quality Experience

I am not sure that my files are print-ready. Can you help?


Absolutely! Send your files to us either by email or file transfer, and our Service team would be happy to review your files and provide any support.

I am not satisfied with my prints. What are my options?


In the event that a production or shipping error has left you with a product that you are not happy with, you are entitled to either a free reprint or a full refund. Please contact us to discuss your options and how you would like to move forward.

Do you offer design services?


Yes, we offer design services. Our service team would be happy to help answer any questions or accommodate any special requests.

I am having trouble using the website. What should I do next?


If you have trouble using the website, you can contact us at 1-877-649-5463 or email us.

If you are computer savvy, you may try resetting your cookies, or checking that javascript is enabled.