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Hardcover Books

Publishing a book? Impressing a client? Hardcover books are the most premium binding option available. Our covers are laminated, folded, and glued to a thick, dense board. The interior pages are bound using a strong and reliable glue bind. Each cover encases your book and gives your reader the ultimate reading experience.
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Order Hardcover Book Printing and Binding

Hardcover book printing offers many advantages over other types of binding, but two stand out above all else – quality and durability. Hardcover books are built to last. Whether they sit on the bookshelf unread for long periods or receive constant use, they are made to withstand the test of time.

Case binding also stands out from all other binding options in its ability to give books their own unique look and feel. This is made possible by offering many unique finishing options not available with other types of binding.

From fiction to biographies, self-published books, and everything in between, finishing your book with a hardcover gives it a distinguished look while helping protect it for years to come.

Product Features

  • With covers built with lamination and thick, dense board, hardcover books feel substantial.
  • For products that need more durability, like yearbooks, self-published books, magazines and more.
  • Interior pages are bound using a strong and reliable glue bind, for a book that will last.
  • The most exclusive, durable binding option.


America's Highest Rated Online Printing Company

Templates & specs

Helpful templates
Download a template, drop some artwork on it, and add some text.
Our templates have all the necessary information to make you a rockstar designer.
Quick specs
Familiar with document design? Here are the basic requirements:
  • Preferred File Format: PDF.
  • Accepted File Formats: DOC, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, AI, PSD, PUB, PPT.
  • Resolution: 300 DPI.
  • Color Space: We prefer CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/blacK). If you use RGB, the colors on the print may turn out, in some cases, different than what you're expecting.
  • Fonts: Please flatten your documents before sending your file. If you use a special font which our system can not recognize, the document will replace your font with another font in our system.

  • Need help designing your file? Our design team is here to help! Get a graphic design quote now! .
    Hardcover Book (8.5"x11") Templates
    Hardcover Book (6"x9") Templates
    Hardcover Book (7"x10") Templates
    Hardcover Book (5.5"x8.5") Templates


    Can you help me with my design?


    When is the best time to use hardcover binding?


    How are hardcover books made?


    What are the most common uses for hardcover books?


    Are there times when hardcover binding is not a good choice?


    How soon can I get my hardcover books?


    Why use Printivity’s hardcover book binding service?


    What is the smallest dimension hardcover book that you can make? What is the largest?


    Can I print text on the spine of the book?


    What are the three types of lamination that you offer?


    The Printivity Difference

    Why Print a Hardcover Book vs. a Softcover Book?

    Hardcover book printing is a premium option for a reason. Compared to softcover, a hardcover book will always be more appealing to not only the reader, but to the author as well. But why is it that most people want to print hardcover books?

    Here are a few compelling reasons to choose hardcover book printing:

    • Durability. Because the paper of hardback book printing is much thicker, it offers high-quality protection against wear and tear. A hardcover book is the perfect binding type if you want to ensure that the book remains in great shape for years to come.
    • Page Quality. Because printing hardcover books requires a strong and reliable bind, the page quality remains consistent and provides readers with the best experience when turning each page.
    • Aesthetics. When it comes to custom hardcover book printing, it’s hard to argue against the aesthetics. Any book with a top-quality hardcover will look great on any shelf, further increasing its appeal to the reader. Many book lovers collect them simply for the art on durable covers. In fact, that’s a common reason why hardcover book printing is used in the first place — writers often choose hardcover book printing because they want to feel the high-quality finish and know their words are safe.
    • Increase Perceived Value. Because printing a hardcover book increases durability and aesthetic appeal, it’s natural that it will reflect on the price point as well. Sure, the cost of hardback book printers is higher, but if you go with hard cover book printing, you can command a higher price upon purchase as well.
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