As a print company, we understand that to outsiders we could be a wasteful industry. Contrary to that belief, Printivity.com and most printing companies work with suppliers who are actively environmentally friendly and we continue similar practices in our shops.
Tree Farms
To save natural forests, tree farming was created to meet high lumber demands and has existed in America since the early 1940s. Since then, these tree farms have grown to over 19 million acres in the US. More than 2.5 BILLION trees each year at these farms. These trees are used for different products: Lumber (53%), Pulp and paper products (32%), Wood-based composites, such as plywood and veneer (7%), and Fuelwood (7%).
Starting at the tree farms, follow a chain of custody to ensure that suppliers are given sustainable products. For the printing industry, the trees go from the certified forests to be pulped, then to paper mills to be made into paper products. Those products are sold to sustainable merchants, where printers can purchase clearly marked sustainable products.
Sustainability at Printivity
Printivity wants to continue to take big steps towards reducing the environmental impact within our company. This is why we have partnered with Ricoh printing presses, who have set concrete goals to reduce environmental impact. One of those goals is that all toner cartridges and containers are encouraged to be properly recycled by Ricoh. Ricoh printing presses are also energy efficient and use 35% less energy than competitors.
Printivity not only uses sustainable presses, but we have our own set of best practices in our shop. We primarily use organic material that is easily recycled. Our warehouses have multiple waste and recycling bins placed throughout so that our employees can easily properly dispose of materials. Every order is shipped in recyclable cardboard boxes and packed with recycled brown paper packaging. Since toner is non-toxic, even your print products are fully recyclable. This means that everything that you receive from Printivity.com can be recycled and help reduce negative environmental impacts. Thank you for helping us do our part!