When you go to a store to shop in person, you are likely immediately overwhelmed by the sheer number of options you have for one single product. At the very minimum, you will see two to three different brand options just for something simple such as soap. That can make it challenging to decide which one to purchase. This is where POP displays come in. Here is how to increase in-store sales with POP displays.
What is POP marketing?
Point of purchase marketing is messaging delivered to potential customers at the moment they decide to make a purchase. This type of marketing is often seen in stores but can also be used online to influence buyers. In-store POP displays play a crucial role in POP marketing as they help call attention to specific products, helping customers notice them more than they would in an aisle.
What is a POP display?
POP display what? Don’t worry, if you aren’t sure what a POP display is, we’ve got you covered. A POP display, also known as a point-of-purchase display, is a marketing tactic used in retail stores to promote specific products and special offers to shoppers, enhancing a customer’s in-store shopping experience. These displays are separate from your typical store shelving and help put a product right in front of your customer.
A POP display is an important sales tactic you won’t want to overlook. This display will take a specific product and help it cut through all of the noise and clutter of your store, bringing it to the forefront of a shopper’s attention. It’s not nearly as easy to breeze by a product when it’s on display in the middle of your store.
Not only does a POP display highlight a special product, but it also makes your store more interesting. Instead of walking through the aisles, your customers are drawn to a specific point to check out a special product. You can design your POP display any way you choose, so why not have some fun and create a memorable experience for your customers?
What is the difference between POP and POS?
POS, also known as point of sale, is slightly different than a POP display. A POP display is a physical place where products are displayed in your store. POS is the specific place where the transaction happens, typically the checkout counter. You can also use this area to display products though, almost turning your POS into both that and a POP display. Let’s say you are a specialty food store. Your POP display could be highlighting a special chip dip and the POS is of course at the checkout counter. You could create a smaller display right at the checkout counter of chips that pair well with the dip, encouraging your customer to purchase more from you. I mean, how could someone pass up a good chip and dip combo?
Different types of POP displays
The great thing about POP displays is that they can be as flexible as you want them to be. They can be as simple as displaying the product, or they could provide more in-depth information such as how to use the product. Let’s dive into some of the most popular and commonly used types of POP displays.
Digital POP display
Of course these days most things have a digital option, and POP displays are no different. A digital POP display typically consists of a monitor or LCD screen accompanying the physical product. These are great because you can showcase the product in use or provide a demonstration of how the product should be assembled.
Temporary POP display
If you are not sure you want to keep a POP display up, or you intend on switching it out fairly often, why not opt for a temporary one? These are super easy to adjust and swap out, however often you want, whether it be seasonal, quarterly, etc. Temporary POP displays also tend to be cheaper, so that is a win-win right there. Common temporary POP displays come in the form of cardboard displays, endcap displays, or bins. Think of the various bins you see when you walk into Target highlighting items for different holidays and seasons? Those are constantly being updated and swapped out and are the perfect example of a temporary one.
Semi-permanent POP display
Semi-permanent POP displays are generally on display anywhere from three months to a year and are made from stronger materials such as metal, wood, glass, or even just heavier cardboard. You can create a semi-permanent POP display small enough to fit on the counter at checkout, or you could go larger and station it in an aisle. You know those giant DVD bins full of discounted DVDs at Walmart? Those are often around for months at a time before they are adjusted or swapped out.
Permanent POP display
A permanent POP display is something set up for the long haul. These are most likely made out of wood, glass, metal, or hard plastics and can be on display for years at a time. Shelves are often stationary throughout your store, but glass display boxes could be rearranged or even removed, allowing you to switch out the way they are displayed.
POP displays are not meant to increase foot traffic to your store, but rather increase sales with the customers already there by calling attention to certain products. The more noticeable and easier to access your products are, the better chance they will sell.
Ready to start printing materials for your next POP display? Printivity has your back. Contact our experts at 1-877-649-5463, whether you have any questions or simple want to place your order.