Door hanger marketing tends to be an overlooked tactic that not many businesses put time, money or effort into. Or maybe you have considered this tactic and decided it’s not something you want to invest in at this time, that’s absolutely ok. But if you haven’t considered this tactic, or you just wrote it off as “not for me or my business” here’s why you should reconsider.
Think about it, have you ever come home after a long day and not really felt like cooking a full meal? Then you notice a menu from a new restaurant that just opened up hung on your knob or tucked into your door. You were probably extremely tempted to order out, and you most likely did just that! While this is a great example of door hanger marketing for restaurants, it’s not a tactic strictly for restaurants. Any business can benefit from this if done right, especially local businesses with special services they offer.
What door hanger marketing can do for your business
Door hangers are much more noticeable than something like a postcard. A postcard is grouped in with all of the other junk mail that tends to be thrown out immediately. A door hanger is separate from all of that and in a place someone can’t ignore. Their doorknob! This enables you to get your message right in front of your audience’s eyes. There is absolutely no way someone can ignore it when it’s right on their doorknob.
Introduce yourself to the community
Door hanger marketing is a great way for a local business to introduce themselves to the community. Whether you are a new business and looking to introduce yourself to everyone, or if you are an established business and looking to introduce yourself to new members of the community.
While any business could invest in door hanger marketing, businesses such as restaurants and home service businesses benefit very well from them. If you offer a service such as house cleaning, lawn care, plumbing, HVAC, etc., you can time your advertising to fall when it may be needed most! If you offer lawn care, start distributing your door hangers in early spring when people will be thinking about what they need to do to prepare their lawn for the nicer weather. Similarly, you could time your house cleaning service door hangers for around the holidays when people are preparing their homes for guests.
Targeted marketing
Door hanger marketing targets a very specific audience. You’ll want to do your research to ensure you find a community that is in need of your product or service to distribute to. The more specific your marketing is, the more effective it will be. The community around a small business is what helps them thrive. Small businesses rely on their customers to remain loyal, as well as spread the word and hopefully refer others to them. If you’re a contractor, you can leave door hangers on houses near ones you have worked on. Not only will you get your business in front of new eyes, they are able to see what kind of work you do first hand from the house down the street. Not only does this help get your business in front of potential customers, you won’t be wasting time and effort by marketing to the wrong people.
Placing a door hanger on someone’s home guarantees that at least one person will be exposed to your door hanger. In reality, you’re likely to be exposed to more than just the person or people that live there. Anyone from strangers walking by, friends visiting or someone making a delivery may come into contact with it. The more eyes the better, as you never know who will be in need of your service that you hadn’t accounted for in your initial marketing strategy.
Cost effective
There are quite a few marketing tactics out there these days and you’re battling hundreds of other similar businesses for the attention of the same group of people. Most likely you have spent a decent amount of money on marketing collateral.
Door hangers are one of the most cost effective marketing materials out there. An order of 200 door hangers can cost as little as $0.47 each. This is an affordable and easy way to get your business right in front of the audience you want, when you need to. Printivity offers two door hanger size options 3.5” x 8.5” and 4.25” x 12” as well as a number of quantity options from 25 to 10,000. You can further customize your door hangers to include content on both sides, as well as opt for different paper types and coating to help them last longer. While door hangers are extremely convenient, they do end up outside for a portion of time and exposed to elements.
Ready to get started on your door hangers?
Whether you are ready to start designing, or ready to print your door hangers, Printivity can help. Download Printivity’s door hanger templates that include all of the information you need to create your print-ready design file. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to designing, or if you just don’t have the resources, contact Printivity at 1-877-649-5463 to consult our in-house designers.