Not many small businesses seem to take advantage of booklet marketing these days. You may think, why bother? With email, social media, and all of the ways you can connect with your audience in the digital age, booklet marketing seems like a futile effort. Why waste the time and resources printing booklets with information you could send to your audience via an email? You would save some money that way. Maybe it’s time to rethink booklet marketing. It’s time to get creative with how you use booklets for marketing. You need to provide your customers with something of value in order for them to invest their time and money in your business. Consider the following ideas to spice up your booklet marketing, and make it worthwhile.
Why choose a booklet?
You are likely wondering why you would invest in booklets when you could print up a bunch of brochures at a cheaper cost. Well, you could do that, but in reality, booklets are still an economical form of marketing. Booklets are similar to brochures, but sometimes a brochure just doesn’t cut it. Booklets allow you to include more information about your company and the products or services you offer. They allow you to connect with your customers in more depth than a brochure. Booklets are a more substantial product, and feel more permanent than a brochure. This means your customers are likely to hold on to a booklet longer than they would a brochure. This creates more of a high-end image for your business, helping you stand out from your competitors.
You are able to order booklets in various sizes and customizations to fit your needs. Depending on how much content you plan to print, you could opt for a smaller saddle stitch booklet, or you could go all out with a more substantial perfect bound booklet. Saddle stitching is ideal for booklets with 64 pages or less, whereas perfect binding is ideal for booklets ranging from 30 to 200 pages. There are so many ways you can customize your booklet, from the binding, to the paper type and coating specifications. Printivity offers a variety of paper types for both the interior pages and the cover pages, however, you could opt to use the same paper type for both if you wish. Consider adding lamination and UV coating to keep your booklet looking newer for longer. If you’re not sure where to start and what options to choose, Printivity is happy to help find something that fits both your budget and your vision.
Creative ways to use booklets
The reason why booklets may not seem to work these days may be because they are being used the same way they have been for years. As the world and technology evolves, so must your marketing strategy. Instead of continuing on with a B2B perspective, consider marketing your booklets for your customers instead and get creative. Go beyond just printing out the benefits and features of your services or products, and give your customers something of value. Here are a few ways you can use booklets for marketing that will actually yield results.
How-to guide
Give your customers something of value by providing them with an informative guide. Do some research on your target audience to find out something they struggle with. Create a how-to guide centered around something your audience struggles with, providing them with information that will help them. Are you a kitchenware company? Perhaps you could create a how-to guide for cooking up a popular dish with products you offer. Maybe you are a hairdresser and you can create a how-to guide around how to style your hair in a trending style. There are so many ways you could adapt this to your business, but be sure to include some sort of coupon or incentive to guide your customers back to investing in your business.
Self-improvement booklet
Self-improvement is a popular goal for many individuals. Whether it be to relax a little more, eat healthier, or lose weight, there are endless ways you can make improvements. Design a booklet centered around tips for setting and tracking goals. Maybe your business is focused on creating and maintaining a healthier meal plan. You could hand out booklets with your product that guide your customers in tracking their weight loss over time, until they achieve their goal. At the end, you could include helpful tips on how to maintain this weight loss. That can oftentimes be the hardest part.
Maintenance Log
A lot of tools and technology require routine maintenance, which can be hard to keep track of. Create a little booklet for your customers that allows them to easily keep track of past and upcoming maintenance. Whether it be for their home appliance or a vehicle, it will be a booklet they will not want to lose track of. Take it a step further and fill it with helpful tips and tricks for ways they can maintain the products between routine service, as well as coupons for items they may need.
If you can turn a booklet into a helpful tool for your customers, not only are they likely to hold onto it longer, but they will likely use it as well. Being able to provide your customers with something of value for free will go a long way. While your goal may be to make a sale, it’s important to show your audience that you value them, and don’t just look at them as another source of income. Value-add booklets can be a powerful marketing tool to help engage your customers long term.
If you are ready to start your booklet order, or you have questions about the process, contact Printivity at 1-877-649-5463.