It can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing promotional products for your brand as the choices are seemingly endless. Print marketing materials can do wonders for your business, and with the variety of options, you can choose to use multiple types, as each form can contribute to your marketing strategy in different ways. Here are some of the best products to promote your brand and why.

Stickers are more of a sneaky way to advertise as most people don’t look at a sticker and immediately think “this is an ad.” Even if it is just a sticker of your logo, most people consider them a gift when you give them out. Giving a gift, even one as small as a sticker, can make your customers feel special and create a stronger bond between them and your brand.
People love to use stickers. They put them on everything from laptops and water bottles to their cars. Adding a funny or inspirational message along with your logo will make it even more likely that someone will stick it on their personal item. Take the time to design a creative, thoughtful, and on brand message that people will want to share. The more they share, the more eyes are on your brand, creating great brand awareness.
Download our sticker templates before you start designing!


Branded folders are perfect to give out at trade shows and other events. Presentation folders make it easy for your audience to receive a single package containing all of the information they need regarding your business. Plus, they are convenient to hold while walking around an event. An added bonus is that everyone will see them holding your folder while walking around, maximizing the eyes on your brand.
A folder also gives you some control on your audience’s experience when going through the materials. You control what they see first on the cover of the folder, to the order that the materials are displayed on the inside as well. Take care in the design of your folders as this is a representation of your brand. What information do you want prominently displayed on the front? You have a lot of real estate for design elements when it comes to folders, so make sure to use it effectively. Presentation folders are one of the best cost-effective marketing materials to promote your brand.
Download our folder templates before you start designing!

Brochures are similar to folders, but are smaller and contain less information. Like folders, you want to provide important messaging and details regarding your business, but you have less space to do so. Consider your brochure your 10-second elevator pitch. Brochures are versatile print marketing materials and can be used in a variety of settings. You can give them out at events and trade shows, you can mail them directly to your target audience, and you can place them in strategic locations around your store or other local stores. Think coffee shops and community centers. Brochures are another great cost-effective way to market your business.
Download our brochure templates before you start designing!

Posters work as a more permanent form of marketing than folders or brochures. You can place posters in strategic locations, as you would with folders and brochures, but these will stay where you put them as opposed to people taking them home with them. Keep in mind the material of your poster and note that it will maintain greater quality if hung indoors. Posters come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, allowing you flexibility with your messaging and design. Posters are great for advertising sales, events and overall brand awareness.
You can hang posters in many places and leave them up for as long as you want (barring that your messaging will always be relevant), giving you continuous exposure to your target audience, effectively promoting your brand.
Download our poster templates before you start designing!

Choose a simple yet effective marketing material for outdoor and indoor locations. Banners come in a variety of sizes and materials, such as 18 oz heavy duty vinyl which is ideal for outdoor use as it can withstand the elements. Continuously reinforce your business every time your banner is seen. As people repeatedly pass by and read your banner, the more they will start to think about your company. Being top of mind is key to successful brand awareness. These people are more likely to become customers after seeing your business’s banner numerous times.
While banners are great for outdoor use as they can withstand the various weather elements we experience, they also work great at trade shows. Use banners to draw attention to your booth and bring more people to you at any event you attend.
Download our banner templates before you start designing!
Tips for Printing with Printivity
We understand that print marketing materials are valuable assets for your marketing strategy. Here are a few tips to ensure your printing process runs smoothly.
We recommend saving your final file as a flattened PDF, our preferred file format. Flattened PDFs will ensure your file comes to us looking the way you intend with all of the information needed to print your design.
Ensure that all of your design elements are in the highest possible resolution to avoid discrepancies in quality.
Save backup files in case more editing is needed.
Once you’re ready to order, or have questions during the ordering process, contact our expert customer service department at 1-877-649-5463.