Retractable banners are a valuable yet often overlooked advertising piece. You likely think of trade shows when you think of retractable banners, and if you don’t frequent trade shows you may not think they will benefit your business. While many businesses don’t even invest in them, most that do tend not to get very creative with them. Though they are traditionally used for trade shows, they can be used in other capacities as well. You can certainly keep them as basic as you want, but it never hurts to step outside of your comfort zone and switch up your marketing tactics. These are just a few creative ways to use retractable banners you may not have considered before.

Why retractable banners?
Before we jump into how you can use retractable banners, let’s talk about why you should and what the perks are. First and foremost, they are super easy to use. I’m talking so easy you can put them together and take them apart in a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds. On top of being super easy to assemble and disassemble, they are also easy to travel with. Retractable banner stands are durable, yet lightweight and easy to bring on any trip. Don’t fret though, they may be lightweight but they can still last for years. On top of all of that, they are an extremely versatile marketing material. Not only can you bring them and use them anywhere you want, you can also change out the banner you display as many times as you want.
Different ways to use your retractable banners
A photo backdrop
A retractable banner can make for a great photo backdrop. Set up your banner as a headshot station at the next event you visit and just watch how many people flock to your station. No matter if someone needs an updated headshot or not, most people can’t resist the opportunity to have a nice professional photo taken. You are sure to be the talk of the event if you offer that opportunity.
Looking for a branded look? Choose a solid color and have your logo printed repeatedly across it. Anyone that has their photo taken will be able to look back and remember their favorite booth with the photo station. Capturing a moment with a photograph is better than any freebie giveaway in my opinion.
Tell a story
Use multiple retractable banners to tell a story in a creative way. You can opt to use a single banner, or as many as you’d like really. While you can use any medium to tell a story, a retractable banner is a unique way that not many businesses take advantage of.
Everyone prints flyers, hands out brochures and blasts social media all day long, but how many times have you encountered a retractable banner? They stand out enough to grab someone’s attention, yet not too much to be a nuisance to someone. If you own a brick and mortar establishment, consider setting them up near the entryway to welcome all guests that enter your store and provide them with important information right off the bat. It could be as straightforward as who you are and what you offer, or a detailed story of how you came to be the business that you are today. The use of large-scale visuals is likely to make a more impactful impression on someone, making your message even more memorable
Room divider
Retractable banners can be used to break up a bigger room to create smaller, more intimate spaces. No need to break the bank or try to learn how to whip up a drywall. It can be as simple as investing in a retractable banner, and what’s even better is it’s not permanent. You can rearrange or remove it as many times as you want. You can also swap out the banners you are using to switch designs up and make it feel like a brand new space with ease.
If you happen to own a rather large storefront with many departments, you may want to think about investing in retractable banners to use as wayfinders. The last thing you want is for your customers to start getting lost in your store, so why not make it super easy for them to navigate? You wouldn’t want to lose potential customers just because they can’t find what they need in your store. You can opt for one, or if your space is that big, you can opt for multiple and station them at key points around the floor. If you’re not sure what to highlight, start with the most popular areas such as a customer service desk, check out and arguably the most important; the restrooms!
Ready to print your banners?
Printivity is here to help you every step of the way. Just give us a shout at 1-877-649-5463. Our experts are here to help with any questions you may have, or if you are ready to get your order started.